Shinto Wedding Rituals: A Traditional Japanese Wedding

The majority of Japanese marriages were usually intimate politics between members of the same family. Some couples nowadays choose to have their wedding ceremony held at a temple or additional religious site. Others continue to practice the more traditional rituals, frequently including a sakura ( cherry blossom ) ceremony, where the bride and groom cross a tree together to signify the renewal of their vows.

Shinto, the spirituality of Japan’s indigenous folks, dominates these ceremonies for the most part. Shinzen shiki ceremonies these celebrations, which are known as shinzen shiki, are officiated by a preacher in a meeting that is both solemn and joyful. The couple asks for the kami’s grace during this ritual, in which they declare their union. In a service known as the sansankudo, they consume nine sips of the three cups, where the number three signifies luck and unification. The bride and groom take vows, trade donations, and therefore kiss each other before performing a symbolic boogie to appease the gods.

The shinzen shiki rituals are no likely to vanish, even though Western-style weddings are becoming more popular in Japan. Toyohiko Ikeda, a chief Shinto preacher at Sugawara Shrine in Machida, with whom we spoke, about the customs that have evolved into more contemporary rituals.

After the primary meeting, the pair attends a welcome for the bride. Relatives and friends usually attend this extremely proper gathering. Traditional gifts are typically presented in silk and tied with mizuhiki, or papers strips, to symbolize fine fortune.


Jawad Shakrullah

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