A Cambodian Marriage Convention

A cambodian wedding convention is one of the most important rites cambodian wives for a household. It’s the day when cuties solemnly declare their goal to married and associate their potential living up. In the past, arranged marriages were prevalent, and a couple usually lived with their parents until they could establish a household of their own near their families ( Demont & Heuveline, 2016 ).

At this event, close friends give bands or shackles to the brides along with words of advice and desires for enjoyment, good health, success https://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/13/fashion/makeup-makes-women-appear-more-competent-study.html, victory, longevity and love. They also offer presents that they themselves have brought to recognize the father spirits: foods, tea and funds. A ceremonial soaking of the toes of the man and wedding is performed, which represents the introduction of a innovative step in their existence. A shower of palm blossoms (pka sla ) may also be thrown upon the newlyweds to symbolize a fresh start.

Briefly, the groom’s community travels to meet with the couple’s household. They bring the amount of marriage they agreed on, which is usually a substantial sum of money. Guests are handed matching silver trays of gifts and grapes as they arrive, and following the bridegroom through his parade.

The newlyweds are then escorted by the home of the wedding to the temple of their ancestors, where they present the giving of food and money, and an ancestral spirit is invited to acknowledge them as their new family members. They may also offer a few strands of hair from their heads, which is a way for them to pay homage and thank their ancestors for the life they’ve given them.


Jawad Shakrullah

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